Hunter’s Green Master Association will conduct homesite inspections in your neighborhood. Please note that this is different than your neighborhood (sub-HOA) or commercial property inspections. Below you will find the process of our inspections and compliance:
a. An bulletin blast from the Master Association will be sent in advance to notify you about the upcoming homesite inspections our team will be conducting in your neighborhood. You will need to be registered with our website to receive the email.
b. 1st Homesite Inspection: Homes with items that are not in compliance will receive a letter listing each item that is not in compliance along with the rules and regulations. The letter will also include photos that are for illustration purposes and apply to all areas that do not meet maintenance standards. You have thirty (30) days to resolve the item(s) listed and a compliance deadline date will be noted. Please note that the letters may take a few days to be sent out.
Some items or issues listed in your compliance letters will need DRB (Design Review Board) approval before you begin work needed to meet maintenance standards. Please be advised that all exterior changes to your property require prior DRB approval and any exterior changes made without obtaining prior DRB approval are subject to fines. Items requiring approval include, but are not limited to, exterior painting, fencing, landscaping modifications, tree removal, pool enclosures, and roof replacement.
c. 2nd Homesite Inspection: A second inspection will be conducted on or after the compliance deadline date (noted in the first maintenance letter) to confirm that the items have been addressed and your property meets maintenance standards. You will receive a second maintenance letter for each item that remains non-compliant. You will have ten (10) days to bring the item(s) into compliance. This letter will also include photos and a compliance deadline date will be noted for the final inspection.
d. 3rd/Final Homesite Inspection: The third (final) inspection will be conducted to confirm all items have been addressed and your property meets maintenance standards. The violation will be closed, and no further action is required if all items are compliant. All items that remain non-compliant will result in a referral to fining and you will be sent a third (final) letter. This letter is of high importance and should be regarded as such. The letter will state a final compliance deadline date and will serve as notification of fines that could be imposed due to non-compliance.
e. Extension Requests: Please be advised staff cannot grant extensions. Extension requests should be made upon receipt of the third (final) letter referring you to fining. Please note extension requests cannot be made upon receipt of the first or second letter. You will need to request to be put on the agenda for the FRC (Fining Review Committee). You will be given a date and time to attend the FRC meeting. Attending the meeting will give you the opportunity to explain why your property is not in compliance and allow you to request an extension.
The issue(s) listed in the letters are the results of the Master Association’s inspection and are separate from any inspections conducted by your Neighborhood Association. These are specific to the Master Association and do not negate or override any inspection results or deadlines provided by your Neighborhood Association.
Below is a quick summary of some of the items our team inspects. For more details, please see Design Review Criteria and Inspection Standards located on this website under HOA – Design Review Applications.
The exterior of your home shall be clean and free of mold & dirt. This includes, but is not limited to, driveways/walkways, mailboxes, roofs, pool screens, fencing, etc. (if you can see it, it should be clean). Paint should be free of damage and paint should be uniform with a consistent finish.
Fencing must be structurally sound and without damage.
Mailbox – The box, post, and all parts shall be in good repair and free of dirt, damage, or discoloration. Nothing shall cover the mailbox logo or numbers. No vines are permitted.
Trash Cans – Must be stored out of view with the use of approved screening or buffering or stored within the garage. They must be placed and removed at the curb in accordance with the current rules. Containers and landscape debris may not be placed at the curbside prior to 6:00p.m. the day before the scheduled pick-up and removed by sunset following pickup.
Landscaping – All landscaping should be maintained to ensure proper health and growth. Dead or dying landscape material should be promptly removed and replaced. This may require prior approval from the DRB. Mulch beds and/or large areas of bare or unplanted mulch are not allowed. Bare areas of sod are not permitted, and damaged sod should be replaced.
We hope this information has been helpful and provides a better understanding of inspections and compliance. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions.
Hunter’s Green Community Association